Bulk Account Creation

Bulk Account Creation allows professionals to create CFNC accounts on behalf of their students. This can be helpful when you are working with classrooms of students, programs, or even an entire grade of students. You can use the provided CSV (.csv) file template and then upload the file in Bulk Account Creation. Once the accounts have been successfully created, students will be able to login using the username and password you set for them. Upon the first login by the student, they will be required to change their password.  This article covers how to use the Bulk Account Creation template and how to address potential errors.


  • Many educators find it helpful to request the assistance of a school data manager or similar technical professional. You can request that they extract data from your student information system in the format of the template that you provide them from Administration > Bulk Account Creation.
  • The most common challenge when using Bulk Account Creation is making sure that usernames and email address are unique.  If your students have already created CFNC.org accounts, you will not be able to upload a file that duplicates or overwrites a username or email address they have already used.


Steps for Uploading Students

Select the tabs below to view the steps for uploading students.

Step 1 - Download Template Step 2 - Add Students Step 3 - Upload File

Click to download the template, look in your downloads folder, and open the file in Excel.


Click image to enlarge

Bulk Account Step 1




You many encounter error messages after uploading your file to Bulk Account Creation. Here's a list of potential errors:

  1. Error: The User name field is required.
  2. Error: The Email field is required.
  3. Error: The ConfirmationEmail field is required.
  4. Error: The FirstName field is required.
  5. Error: The LastName field is required.
  6. Error: The PermStreet field is required.
  7. Error: The PermCity field is required.
  8. Error: The PermCountry field is required.
  9. Error: The MailingStreet field is required.
  10. Error: The MailingCity field is required.
  11. Error: The MailingCountry field is required.
  12. Error: The Password field is required.
  13. Error: The SecurityQuestion field is required.
  14. Error: The SecurityAnswer field is required.
  15. Error: Invalid value for Gender
  16. Error: Invalid value for User Role
  17. Error: Invalid value for Security Question
  18. Error: First name must contain only letters, spaces, -, or '
  19. Error: Last name must contain only letters, spaces, -, or '
  20. Error: The Password must be at least 8 characters long.
  21. Error: Email not available
  22. Error: User name not available
  23. Error: User name can contain only letters, numbers, or an underscore
  24. Error: The user name does not meet length requirements.
  25. Error: Cannot use mycfnc.org email addresses.
  26. Failed to Create Account.
  27. Error: File can only be in csv format. An example file can be found by clicking the Download Template button.
  28. Error: Must select a file to upload.



Please note that not all ProTools users have this feature since access is controlled at the Administration level for each school or organization.


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